News & Events

Rabbi Dov Keilson’s Musical Performance

On the Fourth Day, A Pre-Solar Eclipse Brunch and Lecture

The morning started with a breakfast of New York bagels and spreads, fruit, and pastries as well as Dina Hasten’s famous noodle kugel.

Guest speaker Rabbi Dovid Heber delivered a lecture about the Jewish calendar system, the history of solar and lunar eclipses as their significance in Judaism, the history and halacha of the International Dateline, as well as sharing a bit about the inner world of Kashrus. During the Q&A portion of the event, attendees were able to ask eclipse as well as Kashrus-related questions.

Attendees took home official eclipse glasses to enhance their eclipse viewing experience.

Thank you to Tzirel Rutstein and Sara Aliza Cox for co-chairing the event. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made the event happen.

Thank you to the BT Sisterhood for sponsoring the eclipse glasses and coffee.

Thank you to our sponsors:
Drs. Rick Bentley & Caryn Vogel
Dr. Gad & Fran Flaumenhaft
Dr. Stephen & Monica Rosenfeld
Dr. Roy & Shoshi Yaari

Purim Seudah 5784

Over 150 guests from across the Indianapolis Jewish community joined together to celebrate Purim. The children were excited to ride the virtual roller coaster and play unlimited games in Midway, while DJ Brian on the Grand Stage kept the room lively and joyous. With caricaturists and balloon artists in the Grandstand, fair souvenirs were available for all. Keisari Catering outdid themselves at the Persian and State Fair food booths, not to mention the fruit shake-ups and pie tasting stations. The event concluded with concessions and a live animal demonstration. What a relief that the skunk behaved himself!

We thank the following sponsors:
Saar and Shirley Alkobi
BT Sisterhood
Hart and Simona Hasten
Rabbi Michael and Shulamit Hasten
Dr. Roy and Shoshi Yaari

Chanukah Concert 5784

Thank you to the over 200 people who attended our first ever Chanukah Concert with Aryeh Kunstler! Thank you to our partners Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis JCC Indianapolis Indiana Jewish Discovery Center and Etz Chaim Sephardic Congregation of Indianapolis. Seeing so many people from across the community and guests from Cincinnati and South Bend come together to celebrate Chanukah with joy, Jewish pride and togetherness was inspiring. Thank you Aryeh Kunstler for an awesome show that we will remember for a long time! Thank you Ruli Ezrachi for gracing us with your own talent and skill as sound engineer and Israeli vocals. Thank you to Mordy Miller on the keyboard! Thank you Dovid Brandes for the delicious pizza and Dina Hasten for the best sufganiyot! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped the evening come together. And last but not least thank you Jack Cotlar for your amazing photos.

Thank you to our sponsors:

Irwin and Elana Levine
Jack and Sally Cotlar
Drs Rick Bentley and Caryn Vogel
Meridian Hills Construction
Dina Hasten
Dr. Roy and Shoshi Yaari
Dr. Stan and Evelyn Rutstein
Dr. Allon And Judith Friedman

Purim Seudah 5783
‘Purim in Hawaii’ at B’nai Torah was joyous, jubilant & festive! Keisari Catering delivered fabulous Hawaiian cuisine. The kids were entertained by: inflatable ax throwing, two caricature artists, a balloon artist & a photo booth. In the background, the DJ blared Purim music. Before dessert, there was a special performance by Rinah Hull, Tirtzah Hull & Shalva Rutstein. Before bentching the men danced ‘spirit’edly. Pictures of the Seudah (courtesy of Dr. Jack Cotlar) may be accessed at the following Google Drive link: A tremendous thank you to Jeremy & Chavah Hull, Adina Birnhack & Tzirel Rutstein for making the Seudah an extraordinary success. We also thank the following volunteers for their assistance: Rabbi Aryeh Birnhack, Malka Davis, the Fineman family, Shayna Goodman, Mrs. Shulamit Hasten, Dina Hasten, Kathy Pollack, Rabbi Yaakov Rutstein, Tehilla Rutstein & Dr. Caryn Vogel. In addition, we express gratitude to our sponsors who enabled the Seudah to occur:

  • Mordechai’s Hoʻolauleʻa: Dr. Stephen & Monica Rosenfeld
  • Achashveirosh’s pāʻina: Hart & Simona Hasten, Jeremy & Chavah Hull, Aaron & MeChelle McDaniel, Dr. Paul & Kathy Pollack
  • Inflatable Ax Throwing: Saar & Shirley Alkobi
  • Caricature Artists: “The Walkers” – Dr. Gad & Fran Flaumenhaft, Ivan & Marcy Ekhaus and Dr. Jack & Sally Cotlar – and an anonymous donor
  • Balloon Artist & Photo Booth: B’nai Torah Sisterhood
  • DJ: Anonymous, in honor of Jeremy Hull & his devotion to our Shul
  • Decor: Dr. Bob & Fiana Stoner
  • Additional Sponsorships: Shayna Goodman, Ari & Nicole Potash and Dr. Roy & Shoshi Yaari

Chanukah Party 5783
The Chanukah Party was a smashing success! About 120 people attended & we received many rave reviews. A special thank you to Mrs. Adina Birnhack & Tzirel Rutstein for planning the event & coordinating the volunteers. The party started with a Latke bar, a hot drinks bar (courtesy of the Sisterhood), baked ziti & many other Chanukah delicacies. This was followed by an ‘edible Menorah making’ contest, a Kahoot digital Chanukah trivia game, a guided Chanukah drawing class by Tzirel Rutstein and a Chanukah treasure hunt. Dessert was Sufganiyot made by ‘Cakes by Tehilla’ (Tehilla Rutsein). The grand finale was a Chanukah song performance by the B’nai Torah Boys Choir (pictured here), led by Rabbi Yaakov Rutstein & Rabbi Aryeh Birnhack, with Ari Cohen on keyboard. You can see pictures of the party here. Thank you to the following volunteers who helped out with the shopping, set-up, serving of the food, clean-up & various other tasks associated with the party: Malka Davis, Shayna Goodman, Mrs. Shulamit Hasten, Chavah Hull, Ari Hull, Shoshana Kay, Israel & Parisa Keisari, Rena Rutstein, Gavi Rutstein, Shalva Rutstein, Dr. Roy & Shoshi Yaari, Maya Yaari & Rachel Schwartz. We express tremendous appreciation to the following who stepped up to be sponsors of the event thereby making this event possible: 
Dr. Stephen & Monica Rosenfeld
Dr. Paul & Kathy Pollack
Dr. Roy & Shoshi Yaari

Dr. Jack & Sally Cotlar

Dr. Gad & Fran Flaumenhaft
Dr. Marvin & Michelle Hershenson
Aaron & MeChelle McDaniel
Dr. Bob & Fiana Stoner

Sarah & Sol Sacks Memorial Elul Program
This year’s Elul Program was a huge success. Keisari Catering delivered a wonderful culinary experience. Rabbi Preis’s lectures were clear, on-point & inspiring. We thank Marvin Sacks, Elsie Rothstein, Nancie Bair & Lenny Sacks for substantially underwriting the program. Thank you to those who joined in sponsoring the program, of which a list can be found below. Hopefully the inspiration of this past Shabbos will be the beginning of a meaningful Yomim Nora’im (High Holiday) season for us all.
Dr. Jack & Sally Cotlar
Ivan & Marcy Ekhaus
Dr. Allon & Judith Friedman
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Gettinger
Dr. Darrel & Joanne Mandel
Benton & Sandi Marks
Aaron & MeChelle McDaniel
Dr. Stephen & Monica Rosenfeld
Mark & Colleen Shere
Dr. Gad & Fran Flaumenhaft
Jonathan Goldfarb
Shoshana Kay & Emmet Hanick
Dr. Bob & Fiana Stoner
Dr. Roy & Shoshi Yaari
Rabbi Aryeh & Adina Birnhack
Malka Davis
Jeremy & Chavah Hull
Emery & Edith Kovac
Tibor & Dora Weiss
Michael & Gena Zelikovich

Classes & Programs At B’nai Torah

Please see the weekly announcements posted on the sidebar of this website for more information regarding these classes

Shabbos Class for Children (ages 3rd Grade & Above):
Shabbos Morning after Kedushah of Mussaf

Shabbos Class for Children (ages 2nd Grade & Under): Shabbos Morning after Kedushah of Mussaf

Dor L’dor Adult-Child Learning: Meets after Shabbos Mincha in the Beis Medresh. For boys kindergarten age & up.

Parsha Class: During Seudah Shlishis

Halacha Class: Between Mincha & Maariv

Daf Yomi: Sunday – Friday Mornings 45 minutes before Shacharis

Parsha Shiur: 65 minutes before Mincha on Shabbos

Lunch & Learn: Monday at noon. A lox & bagel lunch is served.

Tehilim: Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday Night Class for Women: 7:45 p.m.

Men’s Mishmor: Meets on Thursday nights. Learn with a chavrusa or join a class.

Sisterhood Book Club: Meets once a month.


Video Links 

Click here to access classes by Rabbi Gettinger on YouTube

Click here to listen to Rabbi Rustein’s Dvar Torah at the Purim Seudah 5780

Click here to view the ‘Comedy By You’ 2018 Purim Video

Click here to view the video of Rabbi Gettinger at the Indiana Inauguration

Click here to view the video of the Katz Hachnasas Sefer Torah

Click here to view the video of the 2016 Purim Shpeil “In Your Dreams”

Click here to view the video of the 2015 Purim Shpeil “The Rabbi’s Daughter”